Monday, February 5, 2018

Blitz: Gifted by the Moon by Lillith Black

Lillith Black lives in Southern California, where she enjoys sun and warm weather and writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance.

She loves a good book; her favorite genres are paranormal romance, sci-fi and fairy tales. Her favorite shows include Doctor Who, Stranger Things and X-files. Her favorite book hero is Sherlock Holmes and, when she travels, she spends her evenings in the hotel room binging on Forensic Science.

She is currently working on a vampire romance Love Me or Bite Me.

Connect with the Author here: 

He was born to love her, but will she allow herself to be loved? 

Amaris comes from a poor broken family where she was never loved. On the night of her 19th birthday, she meets Gustavo, handsome, eloquent, wealthy. When he tells her that he is destined to love her, she rejects the idea, but the mysterious sparks that fly every time they touch, stop her in her tracks.

Gustavo reveals to Amaris that they both belong to an ancient order of the Moon, and he is born to be only with her, to love and protect her. When she falls violently sick, and only Gustavo knows how to save her, they are forced to travel across the world where Amaris discovers her true self and wakes up the powers that could start a war between two feuding ancient clans.

When the fight breaks out, and Gustavo and others are kidnapped, Amaris has to accept who she is and step into her power to save the ones she loves.

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Top Ten List:

10 Fun Facts about Lillith Black:

1.   I was born left-handed, but in our schools writing with a left hand was not allowed and I was forced to learn to write with my right. As a result, I’m now ambidextrous.

2.   My hair color is burgundy and has been for the past 20 years. It also happens to be my favorite color (along with black).

3.   I learned how to read when I was 3 and the teachers in pre-school used to sit other kids around me and make me read to them (lazy butts!). By the age of 7 I read in 2 languages.

4.   One of the classes in our high school was military education and I learned how to pull apart and put together the Kalashnikov’s automatic weapon. My personal record was 73 seconds.

5.   My great-grandpa was a book store owner and a book doctor, my grandma was a librarian and so was my sister-in-law. Books had surrounded me my whole life.

6.   I love the ocean and any large body of water really, but I can’t swim and I get seasick.

7.   My tastes in music are very diverse and when I put my iPod on shuffle I get Mozart followed by Justin Timberlake followed by Black Sabbath followed by ABBA followed by 50 Cent. My favorite bands of all time are Queen and Pink Floyd.

8.   I work in tech support and I’m a math major, but I crochet, knit, sew and macramé.

9.   My favorite pastime is karaoke. I’ve been told that I’m pretty good.

10.                Even though I don’t write in it (yet!), one of my favorite genres is sci-fi, especially the stories that have to do with space travel and time travel, and also robots (I love you, Isaac Asimov!)

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