Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Blitz: Music of the Heart- Heart Strings by Donna Hatch

Donna Hatch is the author of the best-selling “Rogue Hearts Series,” and a winner of writing awards such as The Golden Quill and the International Digital Award. A hopeless romantic and adventurer at heart, she discovered her writing passion at the tender age of 8 and has been listening to those voices ever since. She has become a sought-after workshop presenter, and also juggles freelance editing, multiple volunteer positions, and most of all, her six children (seven, counting her husband). A native of Arizona who recently transplanted to the Pacific Northwest, she and her husband of over twenty years are living proof that there really is a happily ever after.

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Fleeing an unwanted engagement, a young harpist follows her music passion to London. Becoming entangled with a handsome violinist who seems too aristocratic for a working-class musician may be more problematic than dodging her erstwhile fiancé, sleeping in the streets, or staying alive when a madman targets her for murder.

Top Ten List:

1.     I adore cats–kittens are even more fun.
2.     Claustrophia is one of my biggest challenges.
3.     My favorite sports are water sports. I love swimming, boating, wake surfing, rowing around on a canoe, and simply walking along the beach of an ocean or lake.
4.     I enjoy horseback riding and hope someday to take lessons so I can learn how to do it well. I'd also love to learn how to ride side saddle.
5.     One of my favorite ways to have a good time with friends is having a tea party. I also love to play board games and card games.
6.     Due to moves in my childhood, I attended 9 different schools including 3 junior high schools. Being the new kid isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
7.     I love chocolate. Chocolate has seen me through many brutal revisions. But please hold the dark chocolate--in most cases, it's too chalky and bitter. I love MILK chocolate, with or without caramel, and with or without nuts. Mmmmm. Salted caramel is a very close second.
8.     My favorite color is blue scruffy shade of blue is beautiful. I also adore pink but there are a lot of ugly shades of pink so I'm pickier on that one.
9.     Though I'm not a real gardener, I love flowers, and I find it rewarding to plan and then carry out ways to add color to my yard.
10.I love to dance--any kind--but most especially ballet and ballroom. I would dance every day if I could.

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Monday, February 18, 2019

Blitz: The MacBrides - Logan and RJ by JL Petersen

J. L. Petersen lives in Denver with her husband. She finds inspiration in her adopted state of Colorado and her belief love is the most powerful positive emotion we can experience.

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Logan, the eldest of the MacBride clan, is thrilled at his brother Clay's pending nuptials to Sandy. But when Sandy's sister RJ arrives at the family's ranch, Logan's world is turned upside down. 

However, the sisters' shared past has created scars and barriers against love testing Logan's ability to push aside his need and patience to win RJ's trust and ultimately her unwavering love.

Authors Favorite Things:

I love, love, love reading. The ability to store so many books on my iPad was like Christmas and reading magic rolled together.

Of course, my family is among my top favorite things. I love it when my kids are all home and we play games all day. Although, my eldest favorite game, Monopoly, is now a banned game. He so competitive!

This one is slightly odd, but I actually like planning and researching trips for either my husband and myself or for a girl’s trip.

Golfing with my girlfriends. I’ve tried the whole league thing and it’s not for me. But with just my friends..well we have a blast.

Babysitting the grandkids. I’m really getting into this “sure let me have them..spoiling them..them giving them back” thing.  hehehe

I’ve really gotten into doing jigsaw puzzles. Drives my husband nuts but there is always on in progress on our dining room table.

Starbucks Mocha with Almond Milk.  ‘nough said.

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Saturday, February 16, 2019

Blitz: Parabellum by Jack Nanuq

JACK NANUQ currently makes his living as a Private Investigator; hence the nom de guere (and no profile photo). Prior this occupation he lived the nine lives of a cat. He has been a teacher, police officer, park ranger, equipment operator, freight handler and even a ranch hand.

He has lived and worked in Egypt, Alaska, Oregon and New York (the State, not the City). He has snorkeled in the Red Sea. Slept on the Nile River and under the Northern Lights (but not at the same time). Walked among grizzlies, ridden his bike under the midnight sun, climbed Mt St Helens, and even  jumped out of a perfectly good airplane.

He and his wife currently live on a small farm near Albany, NY. They share this property with three dogs, three cats, a handful of chickens and two peacocks. He enjoys, outdoor activities, writing, Tae Kwon Do and teaching self-defense.  

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How does a POW become a spy? And why? And what the hell is a GALCO? These are only a few of the questions Carson Nowak needs answers to.

Carson Nowak is a CIA contractor like none you’ve ever met before.  Shortly after George W Bush is elected president Carson is tasked with retrieving a trunk load of documents.  The order comes not from the Agency or even the President; but a higher authority, his Nana.  In addition to the documents the trunk contains a war relic that is tied to a mysterious death just before D-Day.  Tracing the provenance behind this relic triggers a chain of events that not only unlocks Carson’s family history but garners the interest of a South American hit squad. Carson must navigate the challenges of protecting his family, maintaining his business, ensuring the safety of a refugee developing a revolutionary weapons system, and deal with an infuriating curmudgeon.  Along the way he falls in love.  To navigate these challenges he must enlist the help of a pencil-thin code breaker, a claustrophobic corpsman and a Haitian nurse.    

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The 15-year old newcomer struggled out of her bed and stepped onto the stone floor. The surface was cold but not unbearable. She would leave in a few minutes and there was no reason to light the coal stove. No need to waste a precious resource for a few minutes of comfort. She crouched next to the bed and retrieved her diary and pencil.
1st April 1915 - Today is my birthday and I have been a widow for seven days. I have yet to tell his parents. What should I say? I know what I want to say? But what words should I use? Should I tell them he was a weakling? A sniveling whiner unfit for adulthood or responsibility. He got a blister his first day of real work and it got infected. Who dies from a blister? Should I say I hate him, even in death I hate him. I hate the entire family! If it hadn’t been for him and his father I’d be home right now! I’d be safe and warm, not in this foreign land.
This is what I want to say. But how can I? The censors would never let it get to the Motherland. They would think me deranged and evil. How could she talk ill of the dead, they would ask? Would they think I’m mad? They might lock me up and life will be even harder. No, I must hide my true feelings. I will not lie to them but I will not be entirely honest either. Tonight I will write the in-laws and tell them of his departure. Let them grieve for him for I will not.

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Friday, February 15, 2019

Blitz: The 6th Turn: Kat by Ren Garcia

Ren Garcia is a Science Fiction/Fantasy author and Texas native who grew up in western Ohio. He has been writing since before he could write, often scribbling alien lingo on any available wall or floor with assorted crayons. He attended The Ohio State University and majored in English Literature. 

Ren has been an avid lover of anything surreal since childhood. He also has a passion for caving, urban archeology, taking pictures of clouds, and architecture. He currently lives in Columbus, Ohio with his wife, and their four dogs.

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Raised in the dark under the lash of the Black Hat Sisterhood, when the woman who would become known as Kat, is sent on a suicide mission into the heart of the League, she was not expected to survive. Her mission: discover the identity of the fabled Shadow tech Goddess, a being who does not exist. All other considerations, including her possible death, are secondary.

But, Kat is guided by higher powers, by merciful hands that feed her, clothe her and whisper in her ear. As she watches the sun rise for the first time, she recalls their words: “Be strong,” they said. “You have much to live for.

Top Ten List:

10 Fun facts about the Author:

--I was once engaged to a woman 20 years my senior.
--I once looked down the barrel of an FBI Agent’s drawn pistol.
--I once took a home IQ test from a book and scored a 58.
--Similar to the Bird Box challenge that’s all the craze these days, I once nearly plunged to my death by walking into the deep end of a drained swimming pool in a pitch black abandoned YMCA.
--I was once royally chewed out by Maria Shriver.
--A childhood rite of passage, my bout with the Chicken Pox nearly killed me as a boy.
--My entire family has brown eyes, yet I have blue eyes. After 3rd grade biology class, I announced to my mother that I couldn’t possibly be her son.
--I once received a check for $150 dollars after a treasure chest full of stolen Mexican booty was discovered on a relative’s property. The $150 was my share of the divided spoils.
--For a 2nd grade essay in 1975 that was to be placed in a Time Capsule under the school, I predicted the coming of GPS.

--As the infamous White Hurricane of 1978 dumped 10 feet of snow on the ground and gave us -61 wind chills, I STILL had to go to school in a treaded armored personnel carrier donated by the National Guard.

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page Part 1 
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Thursday, February 14, 2019

Blitz: California Crush by Debbie White

Debbie currently lives on the west coast with her husband and two dachshund rescues, Dash and Briar. She loves to hike, work in the garden, and on most sunny days you can find her enjoying her backyard with a glass of wine.

She’s an avid supporter of animal rescue, and as a pledge to all animals seeking their forever home, she happily donates a percentage of all book sales to local and national rescue organizations. When you purchase any of her books, you’re also helping animals.

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Breanna Murphy has been planning her wedding for years so when her fiancé runs off with a hula dancer, she is forced to realize her destination wedding is nothing more than an exotic vacation for one.
Trying to escape the embarrassment and disappointment of being jilted at the altar, Breanna answers an ad for a job clear across the country. When the voice on the other end offers her the job, she’s excited about what awaits her in California.
Builder Calvin Comstock must make right on his daughter’s mistake regarding the nationwide advertisement and hiring of Breanna. He doesn’t know what to expect, but when Breanna walks into his office with her infectious smile, peaches and cream complexion not to mention her sexy southern drawl, Calvin is happy for his daughter’s error.
Breanna is drawn to Calvin’s mature movie star good looks, charming personality, soft voice, and strong hands. She’s trying to stay focused on the job and not the overwhelming lure she feels pulling her in to test the waters. But when the two realize the attraction is mutual they throw caution to the wind and give in to the undeniable desire to be together.
Can an ex-wife and a teenage daughter spoil their happiness or will it make them stronger than ever?

Top Ten List:


1.        I donate a percentage of book sales to animal rescue.
2.        I have two rescue dogs, Dash and Briar.
3.        I retired after thirty years of federal service and now write full-time.
4.        I have three grandchildren and a fourth that will be born by the time you read this!
5.        I lived in Seoul, Korea for two years where I taught English to Koreans.
6.        I lived in Germany for three years, participated in many volksmarches, and learned to like wine!
7.        I lived in Panama for three years, saw iguanas and ate monkey meat!
8.        I rode in a helicopter inside the Grand Canyon! It was scary!!
9.        I got stuck inside an elevator once in Germany. To this day I don’t like elevators.

10.      My dream vacation is to visit Italy, Scotland, and Ireland, not necessarily in that order.

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page Part 1 
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