Saturday, July 1, 2017

Book Blitz: A Killer Retreat by Tracy Weber

Tracy Weber is the author of the award-winning Downward Dog Mysteries series featuring yoga teacher Kate Davidson and her feisty German shepherd, Bella. Her first book, Murder Strikes a Pose won the Maxwell Award for Fiction and was 2015 Agatha award nominee for Best First Novel. The third book in her series, Karma's a Killer, will released January, 2016 by Midnight Ink.

Tracy and her husband live in Seattle with their challenging yet amazing German shepherd Tasha. When she’s not writing, Tracy spends her time teaching yoga, walking Tasha, and sipping Blackthorn cider at her favorite ale house. 

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Yogi Kate must clear her name of murder in this charming yoga mystery

When Kate Davidson gets an offer to teach yoga classes to wedding guests at the
Elysian Springs resort, she jumps at the opportunity, even though it means being forced to endure the wedding ceremony of the center's two caretakers.

Avoiding the M-word turns out to be the least of Kate's problems when a wedding guest is found floating face-down in the resort's hot tub, shortly after a loud, public
(and somewhat embarrassing) fight with Kate.

The police pick Kate as their number-one suspect, so she's forced to team up with boyfriend Michael, best friend Rene, and German shepherd sidekick Bella to find the real killer. But they'll have to solve the murder before the police arrest Kate, or her next gig may last a lifetime--behind bars."

Top Ten List:

o   Top 10 vacation spots

§  Cannon Beach, OR—site of my 5th book!
§  Doe Bay, Orcas Island, WA –site of my 2nd book!
§  Whidbey Island, WA
§  Paia, Maui —Where I took yoga training
§  Cancun, Mexico
§  Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (Do you see the beach theme?)
§  Assisi, Italy
§  San Diego, CA – my honeymoon spot!
§  Africa (someday!)

§  Home on the couch with my pup and a Margarita

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Summer Blitz: Water So Deep by Nichole Giles

Nichole Giles, the author of The DESCENDANT series, and The WATER SO DEEP series, has lived in Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and Texas. She is a fan of all things paranormal and magical, and her dreams include owning a garden full of fairies, riding a unicorn, and taming the pet dragon she adopted at a recent local ComiCon. She loves to spend time with her family, travel to tropical and exotic destinations, drive in the rain with the convertible top down, and play music at full volume so she can sing along.

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Seventeen-year-old Emma Harris is drowning on dry land.

No one knows what’s happening to her, and she’d like to keep her evolution from human to mermaid a secret, but the truth is getting harder and harder to hide. From her adoptive family, from her friends, and especially from the irresistible James Phelps.

Her time in the ocean is spent dodging a possessive merman, while her time on land is split between caring for her special-needs brother and squeezing in every last possible moment of human life. She soon realizes falling for James is unavoidable when he constantly comes to Emma’s rescue and somehow manages to see through her carefully constructed icy facade to the vulnerability she lives with every day. Everything about James makes Emma yearn for a life on land she just can't have.

When Emma’s brother disappears on her watch, James is the only person she trusts to help her save him. But even if they can save her brother, nothing can prevent her return to the sea. Whether she likes it or not, Emma is changing—unable to breathe without yielding to the tide—and it's only a matter of time before she's forced to surrender forever.


A flash of lightning rent the sky, illuminating her secret alcove long enough for her to see Merrick step from the recessed shadows near the cave wall. His sudden appearance—in addition to his complete lack of clothes—startled a scream out of her.

“What do you want?” She averted her eyes, heart racing as she forced herself not to look. Why was he here and how long had he been watching her? She retrieved her towel, desperate to wrap up—hide herself—as she dried her now skin-soft legs, emotions swirling. Was he the reason sick fear curled in her stomach?

The merman seemed oblivious to Emma’s disjointed emotional state. “Fifteen moon cycles left.”

Emma squeezed her eyes shut, swallowing a knot of pain. “How could I possibly forget? I already struggle to breathe on land sometimes.”

He stepped toward her. “Tangaroa has given you to me for a mate. We will join upon your permanent return.”

His words sent a chill up Emma’s spine. It had nothing to do with the storm raging around them, and everything to do with the one swirling inside her. She’d suddenly become betrothed without ever having visited the place she was supposed to be living within the next year.  “Mate? He has given me to you? But you’re way older than me.”

“Age has little to do with the will of the Sea King.” He waved a dismissive hand, walking nearer.

Everything about Merrick’s world seemed foreign, unreal. Though she’d known about Atlantis for a while, understood she would physically have no choice but to live there someday, she despised its very existence, dreaded with blind terror a future she couldn’t even picture. “I don’t belong in Atlantis, Merrick. Oceanside has been my home for sixteen years. My family is here, and my friends. I have a life. I don’t want to leave.”

She thought of Tom, and wondered if she would miss him the same way she’d miss the sunshine, driving her car, Gram, her mother, father and Keith. Somehow, she doubted it.

A wrinkle formed between Merrick’s brows. “But you must. Once your gills develop, you will need the sea water to survive. You cannot change the natural progression of life. ”

Under the cover of her towel, Emma wiggled into her jeans and tank top. “Natural progression or not, I was meant to be human. Why else did the Sea King—or my parents or whoever made the freak decision—leave me ashore in the first place?”

“We cannot care for a human-ish youngling ashore, and you cannot survive the sea until your gills have fully developed.” His green eyes caught hers, held, and the harsh honesty in them made Emma pause in the act of pulling a hooded sweatshirt over her head. “There is no way around it,” he said. “You waste energy in empty wishing. Tangaroa’s word is law.”

“Not my law.” Emma crammed the towel into her bag and slid her feet into flip-flops, then pushed past Merrick. “I don’t want a mate. Tell the Sea King I turned you down.”

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Friday, June 30, 2017

Summber Blitz: The Neighbor's Secret by Kimberly Montpetit

When she was in Paris, Kimberley Montpetit spent most of her souvenir money at the La Patisserie shops with their beautiful and delicious pastries. She grew up in the fabulous city of San Francisco, loves all things chocolate, and now lives in a small town along the Rio Grande with her engineer husband and three sons.

She once stayed in the haunted tower room at Borthwick Castle in Scotland and didn't sleep a wink, sailed the Seine in Paris, rode a camel in the ancient world wonder of Petra, shopped the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, and spent the night in an old Communist hotel in Bulgaria.

Kimberley also writes Award-winning Middle-Grade novels with Scholastic and Young Adult novels with Harpercollins under the name, Kimberley Griffiths Little.

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After being left at the altar on her wedding day, businesswoman Allie Strickland returns to her hometown to heal her broken heart. But Heartland Cove County is a small town of Victorian homes and quirky, gossiping citizens.

Grieving the trauma of her ex-fiancé’s betrayal and overwhelmed by her clingy mother, Allie rents the first available house she can find. But on the very first night, Allie’s peace is violated by an unexpected intruder who breaks into the house while she’s taking a bubble bath. An intruder using an alias with old ties to Heartland Cove.

Forced by unusual circumstances to share the same rental house, Allie’s suspicions of the man grow—even as she finds herself attracted to him. But is Ethan Smith merely a magazine freelancer on assignment—or an undercover spy for the mayor who wants to ruin the charming town by running a new highway through for his own profit?

Is Ethan Smith friend or foe? Enemy or lover?

This book is on Sale for .99 for today only! 
Make sure you get your copy now!

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 The next book in the series is available next week! 

Make sure to check it out on Author Kimberley Montpetit Amazon page!

Top Ten List:

1. I adore chocolate frosted cinnamon roll donuts

2. Snuggling with my kiddos and a stack of books

3. My Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) blanket that my daughter made me for Christmas

4. I love to belly dancing—and even performed a couple of times! It’s great exercise and so beautiful and earthy.

5. I’m a purple girl! And I’m lucky because my birthstone is amethyst

6. The black & white original TV show, I Love Lucy still makes me laugh—even though I only ever saw it in re-runs, of course!  

7. Since I was five-years-old, my grandpa would give me a heart-shaped box of chocolates on my birthday—which is also Valentine’s Day. When I got married, my husband got instructions from my family to continue the tradition, including baking me a heart-shaped cake with the cake pans my mother gifted to him.

8. Two days after my 11th birthday, I fell off a broken clothes hamper, gashed up my leg, and was rushed to the hospital to get 60 stitches.

9. Three years ago I rode a camel in the ancient world wonder of Petra, Jordan.

10. I have a wall carving in my house of King Tut and his Queen Ankhesenamen that’s a replica of his actual Pharaoh’s Throne found in his tomb.

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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Summer Blitz: Rising Tide: Dark Innocence by Claudette Melanson

Claudette Melanson writes dark fantasy in Kitchener, Ontario with four bun babies: Tegan, Pepper, Butters & Beckett. She graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a BA in English, BS in English Education and an MA in Literature. Harboring a deep admiration of vampires since the age of five left her with the desire to eventually become one, and now fuels the creation of her favorite paranormal characters. She hopes to one day work full time as an author, since there are many, many stories playing out inside her head.

In her very scant spare time, she enjoys watching Japanese Anime and reading vampire stories...along with other genres of great fiction, as well as riding every roller coaster she encounters in both her hometown and away at signings. An advocate for good health and ketogenic eating, her favorite foods are bulletproof coffee, cashew-flour crust pizza and treats made with xylitol and almond, coconut or cashew flours.

Future dreams include a cabin boasting a roaring fire, isolated inside a snow-filled wood in the Yukon—the perfect writing spot—and the completion of dozens of future novels and stories. A Rabbit Rescue fanatic and loving bunmom, she also hopes to help rescues all over the world save many innocent lives.

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When a cruel prank nearly claims Maura’s life, one of her classmates, Ron, rushes to her rescue. Darkly handsome and mysteriously accepting, Ron doesn’t seem to want to stay away, but Maura is reluctant to get too close, since her mother has announced she’s moving the two of them to Vancouver…nearly 3,000 miles away from their hometown of Indiana, Pennsylvania.

If life wasn’t already challenging enough, Maura begins to experience bizarre, physical changes her mother seems hell bent on ignoring, compelling Maura to fear for her own life. Vicious nightmares, blood cravings, failing health and the heart-shattering loss of Ron—as well as the discovery of a tangled web of her own mother's lies—become obstacles in Maura's desperate quest for the unfathomable truth she was never prepared to uncover.

This book is now free on Amazon!!!
Make sure you get your copy now!

Top Ten List:

1.       Writing
2.       Coffee
3.       Reading
4.       Bunnies
5.       Vampires
6.       Roller Coasters
7.       Road Trips
8.       Tequila
9.       Scary Movies

10.    Pizza

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Summer Blitz: Venators: Magic Unleashed by Devri Walls

Devri Walls is the best-selling author of six YA fantasy novels. She is a theater major with a flare for the dramatic and wishes more than anything for a magic wand. Devri is from Boise Idaho where she lives with her husband, two kids and the cutest mutt of a dog the world has ever seen. When she’s not writing she can be found teaching voice lessons, trying to resist the urge to sell her two beautiful children to the circus, and cooking. Because…. food. Mmmmmmm.


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"Six years ago, Grey Malteer was attacked by creatures he thought couldn’t possibly exist. They repeated a word, calling him a name he’d never heard before…Venator. Since then, his life has been a hellhole of secrecy—hiding old pain alongside strange new abilities.

Rune Jenkins has an itch, as she calls it, but it’s more than that. It’s an anger that builds up like the inside of a boiler whenever she’s around anything remotely supernatural. The pressure is growing steadily worse and she can’t understand why. All she knows is—her control is slipping.

By order of an unknown council Grey and Rune are pulled through a portal in the St. Louis arch, landing them in an alternate dimension where creatures of myth and legend exist. A realm that calls them, Venators.

Made up of centuries old fae, vampires, werewolves, elves and succubi the council’s corrupt nature becomes obvious as they seek to wield the newly returned Venators as weapons. Wedged in an impossible position, Grey and Rune must decide their fate—do they go against the council’s wishes and help the innocents of this unforgiving land, or face the possibility of execution by the council."

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Top Ten List:

1.     I can sing anything from light opera to broadway to jazz
2.     I actually teach singing lessons as well
3.     I enjoy cooking, but only if it’s something I haven’t done before. Once I’ve made it cooking becomes a bit of a snore
4.     I never wanted to be a writer when I grew up
5.     What I DID want to be was a singer, actor, lawyer who trained dolphins on the side
6.     I love Thai food more than just about anything
7.     Lemonade Rockstar zero is my vice and guilty pleasure
8.     My random wish is that someone will leave a basset hound puppy on my doorstep with a bow around his neck.
9.     My mother was worried about me socially because I played Unicorn and Pegasus on the trampoline with my sisters until… well, I was WAY too old. I believe it may have been into the teen numbers. Little did we know I’d actually use that someday.

10. I love public speaking despite being a total introvert! 

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