Saturday, August 1, 2015

Book Blitz: Sons of the Sphinx by Cheryl Carpinello

"Two souls Separated by three millennium One with a gift that is more like a curse One on an almost impossible quest Destinies entwined; one seeks to find herself while the other seeks his lost queen. To succeed, the pair must right the injustices 3,000 years in the past. Only together can they fulfill The Prophecy, but in the process they must defeat the Pharaoh Horemheb. Dishonor and death are the fate of the defeated. "


 I am a retired high school English teacher. A devourer of books growing up, my profession introduced me to writings and authors from times long past. Through my studies and teaching, I fell in love with the Ancient and Medieval Worlds. Now, I hope to inspire young readers to read more through my Quest Books set in these worlds.

WEBSITE –Shared –

Ten Interesting facts about the Author:

1.      Things I like to do when not writing:

I enjoy traveling, reading, spending time with my family, and working in the yard. I’m definitely not a housekeeper

2.      How I relax:

Sitting on the beach in Puerto Aventuras, Mexico!

3.      My favorite color:

Blue’s always been my favorite color. It’s the color of my eyes, of the sky, and of the ocean.

4.      My favorite drink:

Just can’t pass up a good marguerita.

5.      My favorite snack:

I devour nachos and Auntie Anne’s pretezels!

6.      My your favorite movies:

Star Wars, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, and The Mummy. I’ve watched each of these so many times that I’ve lost track, and my husband shakes his head when he sees on and says, “Really?” I just smile.

7.      I am a night owl:

I don’t usually go to sleep until midnight, and now that I’m retired, I’m comfortable not seeing the sun come up in the morning:)

8.      My favorite food:

That would be a smothered shredded beef burrito washed down with a good marguerita.

9.      My favorite authors:

I grab anything by the writing duo of Douglas Preston and Lincoln Childs, and I also love their individual books. David Baldacci’s books are also favorites. I’m addicted to blood & guts & spy thrillers!

10.    If I could live anyway, it would be in Colorado.

We have the best weather—All four seasons. I live next to the foothills, and a drive up in the Rockies is a cure for any ailment. My immediate family is all here, except for one sister. When I need a change, it’s so easy just to hop a plane and go to the beach.

Blog List:

Friday, July 31, 2015

Book Blitz: Nikki's Heart by Nona J Moss

-->Nona Moss grew up in Cheyenne Wyoming. She writes young adult fiction, and has published a book of poetry. She currently lives in St Joseph Missouri with her teenage son Zayne and the love of her life and best friend Travis.


-->March 25,
It has been ten days since that horrible night. Ten days since my world crumbled, and my heart shattered into a million pieces. It has been ten days since my life ended.

I have been unfaithful to you, Dear Journal, because I could not bear to think. And I knew if I opened you, it would be to spill the rest of my broken heart.

It was so awful. I will never forget it as long as I live. It is fresh in my mind every waking hour. The memories invade my dreams whenever I close my eyes.

10 things I love...
1. I love to read anything I can get my hands on.
2. I carry paper everywhere I go incase I have time to write.
3. I love to listen to music, it inspires me to write.
4. I love to be outdoors, especially when I am writing.
5. I love spending time with my grandkids.
6. I love reading Dr Seuss out loud to kids.
7 I love spending time with my puppy.
8 I love telling people I am a writer (they always suggest I write their story)!
9. I love driving with the windows down singing as loud as I can! (I can't sing)
10. I love to make people laugh.
And here are a few fun Author Question and Answers for you.
1.      Given unlimited resources, what would be your ideal writing environment?
My ideal writing environment would be outside under a shade tree.

2.      Where do you actually write?
I actually write in my living room. 


Book Tour: Widow's Rule by Alaina Stanford

Author Bio
I have one of those brains that won't turn off at night. Many nights I would distract my intellect by revamping a movie, book or TV show in my mind. I would twist and turn the plots and characters to achieve the ending I preferred. That developed into side stories about my favorite minor characters. Each night I fell asleep in the middle of a grand adventure. It wasn't long before I began to create stories of my own and put pen to paper.

I love a good adventure. I love a good romance. As the mother of seven children, I also learned to love to play video games. One day it occurred to me to write an adventure that flowed like a video game and I added a touch of romance. Thus, Hypnotic Journey was born. The HJ characters are like a family to me. They are foolish, daring, resourceful, passionate and dedicated to their friends.
My love for Science Fiction gave birth to the Treborel Series. It’s a paranormal Sci-Fi romance featuring a psychotic villain and a multiple layer
of hero's fighting to survive the chaos.
I write about how friendship and love can carry you through situations that you might not otherwise survive. You will find my stories exciting and steamy, but I am not an erotic writer. My stories fade to dark when the steam begins to rise, but take it from me, the steam does rise and emotions do soar.

Links to social media sites for the author

Seven months pregnant with three small children and a new job was difficult for most women even with a spouse at their side. Whitney was alone, but she was strong. She would not be broken. When her boys ask to take karate lessons like their friends, Whitney shifts her budget to accommodate them. It sounded like a good outlet for their emotions and energy. The one thing she didn’t plan on was her attraction to the soft spoken, muscular karate instructor. Whitney wasn’t looking for love, romance or a lover, especially someone so masculine, so outgoing, so handsome, so sexy as Heath Dixon.
Instead, Whitney concentrates on work and her children. A new client, Veronica Nelson, an elderly woman with a sweet smile hires Whitney as her corporate attorney. Whitney discovers Veronica has an intellectual property rights claim against a lucrative corporation that owes her millions of dollars. Veronica client refuses to go to the police. Instead, she asks Whitney to rewrite her Will.
Shortly thereafter Veronica dies mysteriously. Thus begins a chain of events that spiral quickly out of control. Whitney discovers there are some things she cannot face alone and finds herself turning to the only man who can protect her.

Whitney Lawson-
widow, contact attorney, 7 months pregnant, adopted mother of her sisters 3 children

My pick: Sally Field. Who better to play someone so frazzled!?!

Josh Taylor-
Whitney's boss, construction company CEO, married to Whitney's best friend Beth

My Pick: Dennis Quaid, mostly because I just love looking at him. ;)

Beth Taylor- self-help author, mother of twin boys, step mother to Josh's two children

My Pick: Gillian Anderson, she goes good with Dennis Quaid, right?

Veronica Stevenson- wealthy business owner, widow

My Pick: Claire Danes, she has the look of total power-house, don't you think?

Heath Dixon- owns a Karate studio, single, mild mannered, built like a Greek god.​

My Pick: Technically he isn't an acter. But I think we can all agree that Sakis Rouvas totally fits this description. 

July 30
July 30
July 31
July 31
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Aug 5