Monday, December 1, 2014

Blog Blitz: A Path to Publishing (PlotWriMo: Revise Your Novel in a Month)

I am excited to host 2 amazing ladies on my blog today, along with the fabulous program they have put together to help authors get their books published and to learn how to revise their own novels in a manner that will make manuscripts shine!!! 
As a writer myself, I've discovered it's not quite as easy as I had originally thought.

First let me introduce you to this program!


We offer writers two video series with more in production:

1) PlotWriMo: Revise Your Novel in a Month

8 videos, 5.5 hours + 3- hands-on exercises

Congratulations! You have written a draft of a novel. You’ve accomplished what many
writers merely talk about and dream of doing – you have written an entire story from
beginning to end. When you finish celebrating, it is time to revise: to re-envision and
rewrite what you’ve written into a novel that agents, editors and readers will devour.
Writing a great plot involves craft and skill and know-how. Before you undertake a major
rewrite, first consider your story from all angles with the help of step-by-step instruction
and daily exercises. You know you’re ready to rewrite when you’ve checked all the
essentials elements for creating an exciting story with compelling characters and a
meaningful plot.


2) How to Write and Sell a Picture Book with a Plot

7 videos explain how to plot, write and sell picture books + provide exercises how to
immediately integrate the concepts into your own unique story. Learn about all the
different kinds of picture books, examples of character-driven and action-driven picture
books, how to develop winning picture book concepts, what are the major turning points
in every great picture book with a plot, writing, voice, character goals and motivation,
how to revise, testing your theme and take-away, who to submit to and so much more…

Here’s How the Video Series Work

Each video includes an in-depth look at the specific elements promised and how to
consider these essential story principles as you write, revise, rewrite, sell your story.
Writing assignment(s) guide you with step-by-step instruction.
Whether you decide to watch all the videos in a row and then go back and do the
exercises or jump right in to the 1st video’s exercise, work at your own pace and take
more or less time on the step-by-step exercises. The series are designed to fit into even
the busiest of schedules. Sign-in and watch video lectures, complete homework
assignments, and ask questions in a public forum on a timetable that fits your needs.

Shout Outs:

**The 1st draft you let yourself write any old way. Now revise your story from every angle

**Can't seem to #finish your #novel? Ready to give up? Before you do, revise!

**I’m finding the revision process FUN! Did I actually say that? Loving this process, thank you!

**Friends don't let friends ‪#revise alone

Now introducing Jill and Martha !!!

Jill Corcoran bio

Jill Corcoran is the founder of Jill Corcoran Literary Agency and co-founder of A Path A Publishing



Martha Alderson bio

Martha Alderson, author of The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master, is known as “The Plot Whisperer” for the help she offers writers worldwide. She is the founder of PlotWriMo: Revise Your Novel in a Month and the award-winning blog The Plot Whisperer

These ladies not only brought us these amazing author tools, but also offer another service with 2 levels of Participation (Participants and Observers):

Office Hours
2nd Thursday of every month
9:30-11:30am Pacific

Active Participants and Observers

ACTIVE PARTICIPANTS: 8 authors each have 15 minutes to work with The Plot
Whisperer Martha Alderson and Literary Agent Jill Corcoran on whatever you want help
with. Read part of your manuscript, query, discuss energetic markers, concept, brainstorm
plot, characters, etc and receive feedback you can immediately apply to your work.
Active participants must watch either Plotwrimo: Revise Your Novel in a Month or How
to Write & Sell a Picture Book Videos. This gives us a common language and baseline
understanding of underlying plot and story concepts for better communication.
Receive a critique of your First Pages, Query, Concept, or get help with your Characters,
Where to Start your Story, Crisis, Climax, etc. It is your time...your choice

***OBSERVERS: 15 observer spots. As an observer, you do not participate/read your
work, but listen and learn from others during these sessions.


Reviews of the series:

"The amount of time, heartache, frustration, and hell that these videos are saving me from
is immeasurable."

"Don't wait until you have a first draft to get the video series. If you have an inkling of a
concept, get the video series. The videos will show you how to define your energetic
markers. You'll learn the difference between crisis and climax. The 8 videos constitute a
'top to toe' writing course. 
Jill Corcoran & Martha Alderson, thank you for giving me
the opportunity to call myself a writer with pride." Dolly D Napal

"I have been writing, writing, writing, and reading about writing, but I knew I was still
missing the mark. How I write and rewrite books will be forever changed for the better. "
Wendy McLeon MacKnight

"I felt overwhelmed with my latest revision. I feel like a weight has been lifted and I'm
just on day one."

Last, but not least, these ladies offer a fantastic workshop to help people actively learn from the

A Path to Publishing Workshops:

We often tailor-make an advanced workshop for writers who have watched the series to
ask questions and receive feedback on your own individual story.
A Path to Publishing Facebook Group

Everyone is welcome to join A Path to Publishing Facebook group created by Literary
Agent Jill Corcoran and Plot Whisperer Martha Alderson as safe, smart, fun alcove for
writers and illustrators to share and learn about the craft of writing and the book biz. This
is NOT a place to sell your books but a wonderful forum for us all to advance our skills,
our creativity, and our dreams plus learn about what Jill and Martha are up to at A PATH

Be sure to follow along and see what others are saying about these services and how they have helped them! 
Read individual reviews and more information about how this video series can help you!

December 1
December 1
December 1
December 2
December 2
December 2
December 3
December 3
December 3
December 4
December 5Susan P


Friday, November 28, 2014

Blog Tour: Nightmare Witch Saga by Mary Reason Theriot

Book Blurb:

A surprise inheritance brings Lizzy Bradford and her father to Blackwater Bayou, Louisiana.  But the house is the smallest of the surprises in store for young Lizzy.
Growls and snarls, teasing and pranked, Lizzy’s life seems to be going…. Wait... Growls and snarls?  That can’t be normal!  
Lizzy starts to learn more about her past, and the secrets that her mother had hidden from her father as the past comes back to haunt the future.

With the help of her new friend, Marie, Lizzy must look deep within herself to find the strength to not only believe in, but also battle The Nightmare Witch.

Author Bio:

A Louisiana native and have had the wonderful opportunity of living in various states during my husband's 20-year career in the United States Coast Guard.
I have been happily married for over twenty years and am the proud mother of two wonderful children. My youngest encouraged me to begin writing this year.
Until my diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis in 2001, I worked in the Legal Field. Writing is great therapy for my own personal fight against MS.
I truly hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I have enjoyed writing them.

Follow Links:
Buy Links:

Barnes & Noble:



Her prey would be here soon, she could feel it in her bones. These last few days she has come to learn the woman’s every move. She has sensed her growing fear, and worse, the child’s growing powers. She has seen it in the cards; this child must be vanquished from this earth.

 Book tour:

November 24
November 25
November 26
November 27
November 27
November 28
November 29
November 30

November 30

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Blog Tour: Termination Rule by Alaina Stanford

Book Tour:

The best rule to avoid an active shooter is prevention. But what happens when prevention doesn't work?
Jake's first job working in the warehouse for Mason introduces him to Devin, a retired undercover police officer. As head of security for the entire contact center complex Devin's influence gives Jake the courage to save a young office assistant, Mia from Paul's unwanted advance.
When Paul is terminated and returns to the complex seeking revenge Jake turns to his new mentor for help. Will Jake escape the active shooter? Will he be the hero once more and save Mia from a fate worse than death? 

Author Bio:

 I have one of those brains that won't turn off at night. Many nights I would distract my intellect by revamping a movie, book or TV show in my mind. I would twist and turn the plots and characters to achieve the ending I preferred. That developed into side stories about my favorite minor characters. Each night I fell asleep in the middle of a grand adventure. It wasn't long before I began to create stories of my own and put pen to paper.

I love a good adventure. I love a good romance. As the mother of seven children, I also learned to love to play video games. One day it occurred to me to write an adventure that flowed like a video game and I added a touch of romance. Thus, Hypnotic Journey was born. The HJ characters are like a family to me. They are foolish, daring, resourceful, passionate and dedicated to their friends.

My love for Science Fiction gave birth to the Treborel Series. It’s a paranormal Sci-Fi romance featuring a psychotic villain and a multiple layer
of hero's fighting to survive the chaos.

I write about how friendship and love can carry you through situations that you might not otherwise survive. You will find my stories exciting and steamy, but I am not an erotic writer. My stories fade to dark when the steam begins to rise, but take it from me, the steam does rise and emotions do soar.

Author Alaina Stanford's 10 favorite things
(not in any particular order)

1.   A good exciting scifi/fantasy book
2.   The Hobbit movies
3.   A dozen roses on a special occasion
4.   Drive-in theater- why or why are they disappearing!
5.   Anything pink

6.   Kind people
7.   Sitting on a beach with a good book
8.   The mountains
9.   My dog Jack- when he's not barking
10.   My family












Links to social media sites for the author

Links to where book is sold


Barnes and Noble:


Tour Schedule: