Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

12 Days of Christmas: Day6: Six Days of Christmas by Kaylee Baldwin

12 Days of Christmas Book Blitz

Book Blurb:

When Natalie goes home with her best friend for Christmas, she expects plenty of quiet time to work on a winning ad so she can turn her dream internship into her dream job. Instead, she gets time-consuming Christmas festivities, a house full of children who seem to be multiplying, and Jimmy, her best friend’s brother—someone who makes her question everything she’s always thought she wanted.

Author Bio:

Kaylee Baldwin grew up in Mesa, Arizona, and graduated from Arizona State University with a degree in English literature.

When Kaylee isn’t writing, she’s chasing after her four children, checking her email, trying to get motivated to train for that race she shouldn’t have signed up for, hanging out with her awesome husband, and reading whatever good book she can find.

She's the author of Whitney Award Finalist Meg's Melody, Silver Linings, and Six Days of Christmas. She is represented by Rachel Brooks from the L. Perkins Agency.


“But it was the most fun I’ve had in a long time,” Natalie said. “Thank you.” Their laughing tapered off, and as Natalie realized how very close they were, something in the air changed. Jimmy’s chest rose and fell under her hands, and though part of her knew she should move, another, bigger part of her really didn’t want to. Jimmy’s eyes searched Natalie’s face, and she noticed more about him than she’d ever had. His green eyes. Those long, dark lashes. A strong jaw that he hadn’t shaved in a few days. The way his lips invited hers to come closer.

Jimmy moved almost imperceptibly closer until their breaths mingled.

Don't forget to show some love to our fellow bloggers who are joining us for today's Book Blitz!
 Each one features either a snippet or a fun fact about Author Tamara Passey so they are definitely worth the look-see!

To view the full 12 Days of Christmas Book Blitz Event Scheduled just click HERE!

Monday, December 15, 2014

12 Days of Christmas Book Blitz: Day 4: The Unknown Elf by Karlie Lucas

12 Days of Christmas Book Blitz Event
Did you like yesterday's bit of fantasy? How about this!? When I asked Author Karlie Lucas if she had any warning for this book, her reply was AWESOME!
"I guess this is the section where I put in that my little nephew (he's about five or six) calls this story a "Christmas story... about death!" This book does deal with some violence, including some kungfu action, knives, and guns. Younger audiences might find it a bit too thematic for them, so I've set the reading level to about seventh grade. No adult content, sexual content, one instance that some would consider language related. Other then that, just a good ol' fun story."
Intrigued yet?

Book Blurb:

Marie never expected to wake up in North Pole City, let alone become Santa’s Emergency Replacement. It was a job she never wanted but couldn’t turn down, thanks to Clarence, Santa’s right hand man.
Now, Marie has to work with Clarence, who believes she is some kind of criminal who will cause the destruction of everything he holds dear. Trying to prove that he’s wrong, Marie keeps making mistakes that push them even further apart. It doesn’t help that she has a past she’d rather keep hidden. However, trying to keep her past where it should belong isn’t easy.
Just when Marie starts to feel like things are coming together, a madman with a bone to pick, and Christmas to ruin, threatens the whole of the North Pole Organization.

Marie must rely on Clarence and her new friends to help her face her past before Christmas is gone forever. But does she have the courage to truly be herself when it could mean losing everything?

Author Bio:

Karlie Lucas is a preschool teacher by day and a writer/artist by night. A graduate of Southern Utah University, Karlie received a B.A. in Creative Writing, with a minor in art. She is a member of Sigma Tau Delta, The International English Honor Society, as well as ANWA, the American Night Writers Association.
Karlie is interested in all things magical and mysterious, especially elves and dragons. She is an avid fan of J.R.R. Tolkien and J.K. Rowling.
When not writing, Karlie can often be found drawing, baking, watching her favorite old school shows, or just spending time with her family. She currently resides in Dallas, Texas with her husband and a cat named Kally.

Follow Links:

Twitter @karliemlucas

Buy links:


Marie prodded the harness and the sleigh slowed to land on the roof of the first house. She reached for the bag of toys at the same time Clarence did.
"Oh no you don't," he admonished. "I'm going to do this." Clarence grabbed the bag from her. "I may have let you drive but I refuse to let you do any of the hard work. This is a man's job."
Marie gave him a dirty look. "Clarence, who's in charge here? Me. I'm the ERS. Not you. Now get out of my way. And don't even try the macho 'I'm a man' routine. Besides, you don't know how to make the bag work, you said so yourself. I had to pry that information out of Santa."
Before he could retort, she pulled the bag away and plunged down the chimney. Soot shot out, landing on Clarence's clothes and face. He shook his head and brushed at the blackened dust. It didn't want to come off. "Fine," he said folding his arms, even though she couldn't see it. "I might as well let you have your way, since you've got it already anyway."
"I knew you'd cave in," came her reply from deep down in the chimney. "You seemed the type who would. Just so you know, I'm delivering all the gifts this year. Thanks for wanting to help though."
Clarence could only imagine the smile on her face. "At least save me some cookies, okay?" Marie only laughed.

Don't forget to show some love to our fellow bloggers who are joining us for today's Book Blitz!
 Each one features either a snippet or a fun fact about Author Tamara Passey so they are definitely worth the look-see!

To view the full 12 Days of Christmas Book Blitz Event Scheduled just click HERE!