Thursday, May 14, 2015

Book Tour: Regeneration X by Ellison Blackburn

If Charlotte Rhys Fenn could do it all over, knowing what she knows now, she would be different.Charley leads a comfortable life with her best friend and perfect match, Michael, a man with whom she shares two lovely pet children (canine and feline), and a home in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She’s fortunate to have a caring and supportive family, and two amazing friends, Inez and Becks. Professionally, she holds a secure position as editor of a respected healthcare magazine. Her life is settled, as is her future.
Acquiring this existence of hers hadn't been easy. For at least twenty years she felt like a wind-up toy, methodically following preprogrammed rules—step one ... step two. She even imagined herself as a minuscule, but essential, cog inside a big machine with the mechanical brain. No matter what she tells herself, it hasn’t helped since another thought flutters through her mind as frequently: Going through the motions is the same as coasting toward nothingness.
It is 2025, the time is right. Technology, in a rapidly advancing world, makes it possible to reimagine the future by recreating the past or, more aptly, by creating another past.
Charley must either embrace her well-earned, sedate lifestyle, or invite a change that could alter her future irreversibly. It's a difficult decision, one that could destroy all she has endeavored for, turning their life not only upside down, but backwards, forwards, and inside out.

Grab your copy here!



Ellison Blackburn is a full-time designer/web developer of fifteen years. Ironically, she often waxes nostalgic over simpler days. Her passions include writing fiction and poetry, painting, and collecting vintage thingamabobs.
Raised in Chicago, she relocated to the Pacific Northwest where she currently lives with her husband and three beastly, furry children.
She is a writer of fiction and poetry and the internationally published author of Regeneration X.





Author Ellison Blackburn's Top Ten Favorite Things

Smell of lilac
Happy animals
Jane Austen
Pink Floyd
Reading a good book
Lord of the Rings movies
W.H. Auden poem, Stop all the Clocks

Short Excerpt from Chapter 2:
Many of her ways were because she secretly longed for the slower-paced days. Days when people took time to appreciate their actual surroundings, other people and life, for example going for strolls or sipping a port or sherry over a philosophical conversation, instead of the occasional wine with dinner or a binge night out chatting about mundane details. She fancied the idea of a habitual thing, not something you just did on occasion between scheduled happy hours and video conferences, or amidst the chaos of group chats, social media, and messaging, virtual or otherwise.

All of the boxes that were part of today’s norm were tedious and as Becks called it, “soul sucking.” Charley agreed wholeheartedly and felt, sometimes, she didn’t quite fit into the modern world even though she could navigate through it well enough. She even had a HaloYou profile. She tuned-in to her connections’ lives, but rarely posted virtual moment videos of her own self and life. In this way she stayed informed; held fast to her privacy and managed some semblance of unspoken social responsibility. Privately, she also attempted to appease her quirks in a modern way, even though she was old-fashioned at heart. For example, since the beyond-repair fireplace was long gone (demolished during their remodeling) and she’d have to join some Meetup group just to play board games (she played Solitaire or Candy Crush on her tablet), and around Christmas, she launched a hologram of a roaring fire as part of their decorations.

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