Book Blurb:
Fifteen-year-old Piper Crenshaw knows her house is strange.
It’s never needed repairs since it was built in the 1800s, and the lights
flicker in response to things she says. As if those things aren’t creepy
enough, it’s also the place where her mother committed murder.
To prove she’s not afraid of where she lives, Piper opens a
forbidden door, which hides a staircase that leads to the ceiling. That’s when
the flashbacks of the original residents from 1875 start, including a love
affair between two young servants. Each vision pulls Piper deeper into not only
their story, but also her house. Piper confides in her best friend, Todd, whom
she's gradually falling for, but even he doesn't believe her. At least, not
until her house gets axed during a prank, and the act injures Piper instead,
cutting a gash the size of Texas into her stomach.
Piper realizes her house isn’t haunted—it’s alive. To sever
her link to it, she must unravel the clues in the flashbacks and uncover the
truth about her mother’s crime, before she becomes part of her house for
Piper, the main female character is well written, and is the kind of character I wish I could give her a huge hug. As a fellow clarinet player, and acne sufferer I totally related to all of her struggles, and then also her sense of joy when ONE of her issues was transferred to her worst enemy. (SPOILERS!)
Phobic had me flinching and double checking every squeak and creek in MY house! I'm not one to read scary books. I've never even finished the first Jurassic Park movie! The nightmares are what get me. This book, didn't give me nightmares, but still scared the tar out of me!!
So in honor of Halloween approaching, instead of rating in stars, I am rating this book 5 Sugar Skulls! Beautifully done, Cortney Pearson!!!
Where do I even start? This book totally blew my mind! In a good way, too. I felt completely captivated throughout the entire book, and I could hardly put it down to go to sleep. Phobic is one of those books you can't just read, and set the book down at any point, and still feel able to continue on with life.Piper, the main female character is well written, and is the kind of character I wish I could give her a huge hug. As a fellow clarinet player, and acne sufferer I totally related to all of her struggles, and then also her sense of joy when ONE of her issues was transferred to her worst enemy. (SPOILERS!)
Phobic had me flinching and double checking every squeak and creek in MY house! I'm not one to read scary books. I've never even finished the first Jurassic Park movie! The nightmares are what get me. This book, didn't give me nightmares, but still scared the tar out of me!!
So in honor of Halloween approaching, instead of rating in stars, I am rating this book 5 Sugar Skulls! Beautifully done, Cortney Pearson!!!
(BTW this is the main reason why I really want to get my hands on a copy of this book! This is pure awesome-sauce!!!)
“I guess a direct approach would probably have worked better,” he says. Then he balls his hands into fists and taps them at his knees. “I have the biggest crush on you. There. I said it.”“You—you do?” This is absurd. And yet I’m ravenous inside. It’s a challenge to concentrate on anything but him, and I want nothing more than for him to keep talking.
Main Character Casting:
Played by Zachary Levi. (This picture shows exactly how I pictured him while writing!)
Saxon Sharbino
(With zits, lol.)
Author bio:

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Book Tour Schedule:
October 25
October 26
October 27
October 28
October 29
October 29
October 30
October 30
October 31