Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Blitz: Second Love in New York City by Keri Brooks McWhorter

Keri Brooks Mcwhorter is a sixth generation native of Chandler, Arizona. She's fourth-generation graduate of Chandler High School, and has a Bachelor's in Psychology from Arizona State University.

While serving a mission for the LDS Church, she met her husband in New York City. They have three children, a love of family, and an English Bulldog.

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Madelyn's and Ben's families have been close friends since they moved next door to each other. When Madelyn's husband Luke died, she swore she'd keep her marriage vows intact by remaining single for the rest of her life. 

She and Ben relied on each other for everything after he joined the widower club. 

Now Madelyn's daughter is marrying Ben's son, and everyone's going to New York City for the wedding - including Heather, the woman Ben's been dating.

Will Heather succeed in breaking up Madelyn and Ben's friendship, or will they discover their second love in New York City?

Q&A With the Author:

1.     What do you do when you’re not writing?
When I am not writing I am reading, cleaning, hanging out with friends and family or serving at my church. 

2.  What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
   I have such a crazy imagination, I will get an idea or have some crazy dream and I have to stop whatever I am doing in the moment and get in on paper. Yes I always have to write on paper first. 

3.    Do you have any suggestions to help budding authors become better writers? If so, what are they?
My advice to budding authors (myself) is to get in there and get dirty. Go to seminars, take classes, join writing facebook groups, critique groups and go to writing retreats. You will create opportunities for yourself to learn and to meet others. 

4.     Where do you get information and ideas for your books?
I get my ideas from things that I think I would personally be interested in reading about, my weird imagination, my dreams and situations around me strike ideas. 

5.    What do you think makes a good story?
I always love humor in my stories, adventure and of course a little bit of love.

6.    Tell us about your favorite summer vacation? Or what do you like to do in the summer?
Arizona summer times for me mean lot's of movies with air conditioning and popcorn or lot's and lot's of swimming with my kids. 

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Blitz: Coffee Cottage Collection by Lynn U Watson

Lynn U. Watson has incorporated her love for Jesus and passion for essential oils into a three-volume devotional Collection, sharing spicy and aromatic essences of Scripture. Her devotions encourage you to diligently cultivate your heart and grow your roots deeply in an intimate relationship with Jesus. Lynn holds a BA in Journalism from University of Memphis, a certificate in aromatherapy, and is a practicing reflexologist.

 She and Steve have been married since 1973 and call Bartlett, Tennessee home. Their lives are blessed with two adult children, their spouses, and five beautiful, of course, grandchildren. Jasmine, her tuxedo kitty, runs the house. Her current work-in-progress is a novel inspired by a painfully challenging event in the life of her great-grandmother, changing the course for her family forever.

All three of the Cinnamah-Brosia devotionals in one ebook volume! 

Fruits; spices; essential oils; & botanicals of all kinds sprinkled over & planted on the pages of the Bible provide insights into God’s word. Our Coffee Cottage’s fictional characters, Cinnamah-Brosia and friends, courageously use the essences to season the world around them with an overflowing measure of Jesus. All three volumes of Cinnamah-Brosia's Inspirational Collection for Women are featured in this single e-book.

"The Essence of Courage: Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit in Solomon’s Locked Garden and in Your Heart"

As you breathe in the fragrant aromas found in Solomon’s Locked Garden (Song of Solomon 4), you'll harvest the Fruit of the Spirit and cultivate it in the garden of your heart.

"The Essence of Joy: Filling Your Heart with the Aromas of Jesus’ Nativity"

The scents of Christmas invite our imaginations into the holiday season. What emotions flood your heart when the holidays aromas waft your way?

You’ll meet women of the Bible and contemporary women (Cinnamah-Brosia and friends) like you and me who will encourage you to discover the refreshing essence of a life lived in the presence of Jesus. Let JOY fill your heart with the aromas of His nativity.

"The Essence of Humility: Live and Love Like Jesus"

We live in a culture overwhelmed with disrespect, egos, entitlement, rudeness, and offense — lives focused on self, rather than God or others.

Jesus entered our world and walked among us. He placed no importance on rank or position. Jesus’ life reflected love because it reflected humility, and He invites us to live and love like Him.

You’re invited to travel with Cinnamah-Brosia and friends once again to meet real-life people — our contemporaries and those on the pages of God’s word, who encountered the same real-life challenges you and I face each day. Learn the blessings of a life lived like Jesus lived —- with love and humility.

Q&A With the Author:

What do you do when you’re not writing? 
My other job is reflexologist. I serve about 8 clients a week. That helps pay the bills, (yes, I have those, too) giving me freedom to write. I have a few online game obsessions like Words with Friends and Wonka’s World. Mostly they’re a great escape from life’s demands. I also bake bread for my family from freshly milled grain, read, craft, travel a little, and spend time with my grandchildren. It’s summertime, and I’m eager to get in the pool.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk? 
As a child, I learned to focus on books, homework, and projects while tuning out many distractions around me.  It became a coping and survival skill – one carried throughout my life. Not always a positive thing, when sometimes I tune out important stuff, too. So, there’s usually noise in the background when I write, don’t ask me what songs they played on the radio. I won’t have a clue, but I will have accomplished much in my writing world even in the midst of television shows, others’ conversations, radio blaring and more.

Do you have any suggestions to help budding authors become better writers? If so, what are they?
            Attend writers’ conferences. They are available throughout the year at different locations. Many are very affordable. Soak up all you can from those who lead these workshops. Make connections with other authors on many different mile markers along their writing journeys. Many will become treasured friends.
            Encouragement from a well-published devotional writer during a one-on-one session at a writers’ conference in 2016, led to the three devotional books which are compiled here as the Coffee Cottage Collection.
            During a first chapter critique group at the same conference this year, we were given a resource list of great books to help us really learn how to “craft” our books. I’ve completed one of them and started on a second. My work-in-progress is a Christian Historical Fiction novel. A novel is definitely uncharted water for me. Reading the books, I’m learning so much to make my story shine. Make the investment.

Where do you get information and ideas for your books?
            In 2004 I discovered essential oils and their properties and aromatic influences. God gave me many fresh insights into different passages of Scripture where the plants are mentioned. Almost from the beginning of my essential oil journey, He laid the task of putting knowledge I gleaned into book form. Through prayer, and over time, the devotional books look much different than I ever expected. I’m thankful it all came together perfectly and in God’s perfect timing.
            Many of the stories in the devotional collection came from friends, family, and even strangers willing to share snippets of their lives that fit the chapter themes.

            Inspired by events in the life of my great grandmother, I stepped up to the challenge of fictionalizing and writing her story as a novel. There is so much more I don’t know about her than I do, but I believe the story will be used to bring beauty from ashes almost 150 years later. Her noble cause: a voice for the unborn. I’m praying a trip to her home in Germany will become reality this summer. I count on even more insight, walking where she walked.
            Most authors, I believe, would agree. Research, research, research, for accurate facts and information. I remember the tediousness of card catalogs and periodical indexes from school term paper days, and sing praises for the ease and extent of research made possible by the internet today.  

What do you think makes a good story?
            Characters inviting us into their lives honestly and authentically. Their flaws and troubles, their positive attributes, and their quirks are visible. The characters also willing allow us to witness their changed lives often through perils and less than ideal circumstances. By the story’s conclusion, they leave the reader with an encouraging dose of truth and hope. 

Tell us about your favorite summer vacation? Or what do you like to do in the summer?
            Long weekend getaways to more places than occasional long trips are my favorites, and keep it interesting. We joined friends in Charleston, South Carolina a few years ago. Our rented cottage on the beach offered perfect sunrises. Up early and coffee in hand, I caught them from the third floor deck each morning. The history and architecture of the city, the friendly people, wonderful cuisine, a sunset sailing adventure, and seagrass baskets along with good company, made for a memorable get-away – one I would repeat in an instant!

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Thursday, May 23, 2019

Blitz: Stars on Ruby Mountain by Wendy Jorgensen

Wendy C. Jorgensen grew up in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, and began writing in second grade, furiously recording her hopes and dreams in a denim-covered diary. Besides hanging out at the library, she loved soaking up the rays—while reading a book, of course. During her sophomore year of high school, Wendy’s family moved to Carson City, Nevada, and she thought her life had ended. The desert, sagebrush, and cowboys were a far cry from the ocean, palm trees, and surfers of Florida. Fortunately, within six months, the family relocated to Lake Tahoe, and her outlook improved dramatically.
Wendy started college at the University of Colorado in Boulder, followed by a year at the University of Nevada in Reno and two years at Brigham Young University, where she worked as a reporter and copy editor for The Daily Universe. A decision to take a short break from school turned into a twelve-year college hiatus in Lake Tahoe. After a two-year stint in the civil engineering program at California State University in Sacramento, Wendy returned to Colorado and graduated from CU with a degree in English Writing. It was a long, but valuable, educational journey.
After twenty years in Colorado, Wendy recently moved back to Northern Nevada, close enough to Lake Tahoe to enjoy the beautiful scenery but far enough away to escape the heavy winters. She lives with a wonderful husband and a golden retriever who’s often mistaken for a sloth. Her two brainy and creative sons make her want to be smarter. Wendy hopes someday to journey to the stars.

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A teenage girl recovers in a Sacramento hospital, the sole survivor of a terrible accident that killed her parents—parents she can’t remember. All she knows for sure is she’s in danger. For the girl, known only as Angie, staying put is not an option.

After saving a friend from a vicious attack reveals she’s no ordinary human, Angie races to find a safe place. A chance encounter with the intriguing Michael Winter leads her over the Sierras to Lake Tahoe, where she’s nearly abducted. As she escapes to Colorado, she struggles to unravel who she is and where she came from; instead the mystery of her identity deepens.

Her only hope is to find the truth before it’s too late.


These thoughts swirled through my mind as the red gold flames licked the fragrant logs of the campfire. A hazy memory surfaced of sitting by a fire with my parents and gazing at the stars. Holding fast to the image from the past, I studied the moon and searched for constellations. For a brief moment, the heavens shifted, leaving me with the distinct impression that the sky was different. Suddenly, I realized what was missing. Where were the other moons?

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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Blitz: Autumn Wings by Stan Crowe

Stan published his first book at age 5, when he managed to win a local writing contest for the library.
He's matured (slightly) since then, and has switched from writing about a boy and his dog, to clean contemporary romance, murder mysteries, and light fantasy/sci-fi.
Along with his wife,  9 (and counting) children, and a ninja cat, he inhabits a place with a pair of national parks in his backyard.
He considers himself really rather blessed.

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Jim Sharp is the only widower in the senior class of Mendon State University. Still reeling from the tragedy that claimed the love of his life, he struggles to pick up the pieces and close his heart forever to love. 

When an otherworldly encounter places him squarely in the path of new love, Alex sees no way to give his crushed heart away a second time. 

His wife, however, has other plans.

Top Ten List:

1.     I have (almost) ten children (still a few months out from #10);
2.     I published my first book at age five;
3.     I do an excellent impersonation of Kermit the Frog;
4.     I graduated from BYU with a degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering;
5.     My wife spent the first month we knew each other trying to set me up with her roommate;
6.     My wife and I were each others' first kiss;
7.     I'm an oldest child, and the only boy in my family;
8.     I once at a whole, raw habañero pepper just for kicks;
9.     My family van is named "Big Yoda," and yes, it is green.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Blitz: Music of the Heart- Heart Strings by Donna Hatch

Donna Hatch is the author of the best-selling “Rogue Hearts Series,” and a winner of writing awards such as The Golden Quill and the International Digital Award. A hopeless romantic and adventurer at heart, she discovered her writing passion at the tender age of 8 and has been listening to those voices ever since. She has become a sought-after workshop presenter, and also juggles freelance editing, multiple volunteer positions, and most of all, her six children (seven, counting her husband). A native of Arizona who recently transplanted to the Pacific Northwest, she and her husband of over twenty years are living proof that there really is a happily ever after.

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Fleeing an unwanted engagement, a young harpist follows her music passion to London. Becoming entangled with a handsome violinist who seems too aristocratic for a working-class musician may be more problematic than dodging her erstwhile fiancé, sleeping in the streets, or staying alive when a madman targets her for murder.

Top Ten List:

1.     I adore cats–kittens are even more fun.
2.     Claustrophia is one of my biggest challenges.
3.     My favorite sports are water sports. I love swimming, boating, wake surfing, rowing around on a canoe, and simply walking along the beach of an ocean or lake.
4.     I enjoy horseback riding and hope someday to take lessons so I can learn how to do it well. I'd also love to learn how to ride side saddle.
5.     One of my favorite ways to have a good time with friends is having a tea party. I also love to play board games and card games.
6.     Due to moves in my childhood, I attended 9 different schools including 3 junior high schools. Being the new kid isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
7.     I love chocolate. Chocolate has seen me through many brutal revisions. But please hold the dark chocolate--in most cases, it's too chalky and bitter. I love MILK chocolate, with or without caramel, and with or without nuts. Mmmmm. Salted caramel is a very close second.
8.     My favorite color is blue scruffy shade of blue is beautiful. I also adore pink but there are a lot of ugly shades of pink so I'm pickier on that one.
9.     Though I'm not a real gardener, I love flowers, and I find it rewarding to plan and then carry out ways to add color to my yard.
10.I love to dance--any kind--but most especially ballet and ballroom. I would dance every day if I could.

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