Saturday, December 8, 2018

Christmas Blitz- Eleanor and the Christmas Carol Fudge by Tamara Passey

Tamara Passey, author of the The Christmas Tree Keeper: A Novel, was born and raised in Massachusetts around a large family, one that has served as inspiration for most of her writing. She loves most creative endeavors and when she isn’t writing or re-writing, you can find her baking or cross-stitching or walking–though not all at the same time. She lives with her husband and children in Arizona.

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Welcome to the books of 
Christmas Past, Present and Future.

Eleanor is saving her grandmother's fudge business but is becoming like Scrooge in the process. 

The consultant she hires to help is a friend from high school who hasn't given up his secret crush for her. 

Will the Christmas spirit melt her heart or will she miss out on the love of her life?


She forgot she didn’t like crowds and that the play wasn’t a romance. Most of all, she forgot Cam was only in town for business. All she could think about was his hand brushing away her tears and his lips kissing hers. And she never wanted the night to end.

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Friday, December 7, 2018

Christmas Blitz- A Christmas Carol for Candy by Peggy Urry

Peggy is a small town girl who loves the city and the ocean (and the mountains as long as she doesn't have to camp or hike). 

She credits her dad and the lack of television in her parents' home for her love of reading and her imagination. She credits the guy who's been hanging the moon for over 25 years for her belief in romance and true love. Five wonderful children, extended family, and great friends keep life exciting. 

Find a book you love and read!

Welcome to the books of 
Christmas Past, Present and Future.

"A Christmas engagement, broken two months later, rocked Candy Kaine's world. After months of a schedule crammed with college courses, a full time job, and a few side jobs, the busyness is wearing thin. But school is still top priority. Until a fancy resort threatens to buy the satellite campus in the small town where she lives and takes classes.

Jace Marlowe has been down on his luck. Can a temporary job for an upscale resort in his home town be the turn around he's looking for? The only problem? His grandmother's beautiful neighbor who wants to keep the school just where it is. If she doesn't get her way will she be as vindictive as his ex?

A charmed nativity facilitates the past, present, and future experiences for Candy but will she have the courage to open her heart before it's too late?"


     Edie’s expression softened as she turned the TV’s volume down. “Christmas is a nice time to get engaged isn’t it?”

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Christmas Blitz- Miss Dashwood’s Dilemma by Arabella Sheraton

Arabella Sheraton grew up on a diet of Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, and many other writers of that period. From Jane Austen to Georgette Heyer, Arabella has found both enjoyment and inspiration in sparkling, witty Regency novels. She also loves history and generally finds the past more fascinating than the future. Arabella wrote her first Regency romance to entertain her aged mom who loved the genre. Arabella is honoured to share the adventures of her heroes and heroines with readers.

In this delightful traditional Regency romance, Miss Diana Dashwood accepts an invitation to Lady Prescott's Christmas party at Camden House, in the countryside. But things do not go quite as she imagined. Through an unexpected event, she is forced to spend the night in a woodsman's hut with one of the guests. What a scandal! 
Of course, Sir Gareth Blakely must propose, and he does. Unfortunately, Miss Diana Dashwood has already been engaged to and broken off her engagement from Sir Gareth Blakely after a bitter quarrel. Is it likely she will bow to social pressure and accept his proposal, one made only to save her reputation, and if they marry, does their union stand a chance of survival? 
And what about the pretty heiress, Miss Jemima Plymstock, whom everyone thinks is the lady Sir Gareth had his eye upon? Headstrong and proud, Miss Diana Dashwood is caught in a dreadful dilemma. A must-read for Regency fans!


“Well, Miss Dashwood,” he murmured, “will you rise to the challenge? Will you kiss me under the mistletoe in front of everyone? Miss Dalton managed to catch Mr. Crane easily enough and we all know why.”
He looked up; she followed his gaze and spied the cluster of dark green leaves with white berries. She had quite forgotten about the mistletoe. How infuriating and smug he was to insinuate she was so desperate to kiss him that a parlour game was her only means. How dare he compare her to that silly Drusilla Dalton? Well, she would show him and everyone else just how much he did not matter to her. She would not be humiliated by old gossip being raked up. Diana kissed the fingertips on her right hand and pressed them onto his lips.
“There,” she said, twirling around in a flourish to face the others. “A Christmas kiss for Sir Gareth and that’s as much as he deserves from me.”

Her actions made everyone burst out laughing and clapping again.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Christmas Blitz- When Night Falls Around Us by Laura L. Walker

Laura L. Walker grew up in a large family in the beautiful Gila Valley of southern Arizona. From the time Laura was young, she spent hours drawing characters on paper and fantasizing about their adventures. Life became more serious, however, when she met her own hero at Northern Arizona University and they later became the parents of six children. 

In between spurts of grocery shopping, sewing costumes or quilts, transporting kids to practices, and making dinner, Laura still enjoys putting her imagination to good use. She is the author of seven novels and three novellas.

"Nineteen-year-old Felicity Everstone is living her dream while attending college and serving alongside her parents in the North Atlanta Georgia Mission for the LDS Church--not to mention dating a charming guy who sweeps her off her feet. But when she is unexpectedly sent home to Idaho to care for her nephew through her sister-in-law's difficult pregnancy, and the friend she has been sharing the gospel with no longer wants to pursue that path, everything that once brought light and joy into her life nearly flickers out. Until she meets her good-looking but solemn neighbor, Erik.

Erik Cannon has already lost the love of his life. Now, as a young, successful businessman, making money seems to be his God-given talent, but he can no longer ignore the emptiness he feels inside. He needs to find purpose and meaning in his life once again. When his best friend's sister comes to help her family through a crisis, Erik's heart is reawakened. He senses this is a second chance at love for him, and that he and Felicity might be able to build a beautiful life together--until her old boyfriend comes back into the picture.

When darkness settles over Erik and Felicity's path, will their emerging love be enough to light the way?"


Erik covertly watched Felicity from his peripheral vision, taking silent note of her dejected stare out the passenger window of his truck. They’d traveled these same roads only a couple weeks ago. That day, the sky had been leaden with heavy clouds. Today the evergreens gleamed with dew and the sky dazzled with pure sunshine—if only the atmosphere inside his truck was half as bright.
“What’s the matter, sunshine?” The words popped out of his mouth before he could call them back. “You look about as excited for Christmas as Scrooge.”
With a long sigh, she pulled her gaze away from the passing scenery to look at him through downcast eyes. “Ordinarily, I love Christmas. But this year it’s just going to be . . . really different.”
Erik said nothing but realized that he’d unwittingly hit on the thing that was bothering her the most. She was missing her family back in Georgia, and now, she’d been booted out of Dustin and Lindy’s home for the time being. Understandable under the circumstances. Still—the week of Christmas? Come on.
What could he do to cheer her up? Most girls he knew liked flowers or jewelry, but those things also came with a stigma. She might read more into a gift like that than he intended. “Hey, want to see a movie tonight?”
She showed just a smidgen of interest with a slight raise of her chin. “What’s playing?”
“I don’t know. We can look up the theater’s website. I’m sure we could find something good.”
She took a moment considering it. “Um, well, I would but . . . I’m not sure what Reid would have to say about that.”
Reid? Oh, the boyfriend. The one with the nasally voice and who didn’t mind her sitting outside in freezing temperatures just to talk to him. “It wouldn’t be a date,” he assured her. “Just two friends watching a movie together. You could invite your other friends, if you wanted to.”
When Felicity finally answered, her voice came out as a near whisper. “I think I’d better pass, but thanks.”
Disappointment hit his gut, but he kept it carefully hidden. “No problem.” As they drove further into town, he silently berated himself. Yeah, she had a point. Asking her to a movie was about the same as asking her on a date. What had he been thinking? Thank goodness she’d had more sense than him.

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Christmas Blitz- Christmas Secrets by Donna Hatch

Donna Hatch is the author of the best-selling “Rogue Hearts Series,” and a winner of writing awards such as The Golden Quill and the International Digital Award. A hopeless romantic and adventurer at heart, she discovered her writing passion at the tender age of 8 and has been listening to those voices ever since. She has become a sought-after workshop presenter, and also juggles freelance editing, multiple volunteer positions, and most of all, her six children (seven, counting her husband). A native of Arizona who recently transplanted to the Pacific Northwest, she and her husband of over twenty years are living proof that there really is a happily ever after.

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A stolen Christmas kiss leaves them bewildered and breathless. A charming rogue-turned-vicar, Will wants to prove that he left his rakish days behind him, but an accidental kiss changes all his plans. His secret could bring them together...or divide them forever. 

Holly has two Christmas wishes this year; finally earn her mother's approval by gaining the notice of a handsome earl, and learn the identity of the stranger who gave her a heart-shattering kiss...even if that stranger is the resident Christmas ghost.


“…I cannot imagine anyone else in the household would have done it.”
“Hmmm. That is a mystery.”
“My only other thought is…well, it’s difficult to even consider.”
“What is it?”
“You might laugh. Or perform that exorcism in truth.”
He tilted his head, his eyes wide. She’d never noticed what a beautiful shade of blue they were, like a clear winter sky.
“Exorcism?” he asked. “Do you think a ghost might have done this?”
She let out a helpless half-laugh. “Either that, or a servant, which seems preposterous.”
He sat back as if pondering, then resumed his task. “That is something to consider. I agree you are right about Lord Bradbury. I do not know him well, but he strikes me as too honorable to engage in that type of behavior.”
“That is my opinion as well.”
They resumed their bough making and bow tying in silence. She could not guess his thoughts, but hers returned to that night in the conservatory, the sublime beauty of that particular intimacy.
The vicar’s voice broke into her thoughts. “I believe you may be right.”
“I’m right?” She blinked.
“It might have been a ghost.”
She almost dropped her ribbon. “Do you truly believe that?”
“Let’s consider all the other possibilities.”
Working side by side, they discussed each male guest, and every servant that they had seen or met in the castle. The vicar, having spent so much time at this castle over the years in his friendship with Joseph, knew all of them. They went back over what few physical attributes she had detected about her mystery man, and compared them to each male in the household. One by one, they eliminated them all now could they imagine why.
Finally, the vicar said, “It is possible that your mystery man mistook you for someone else.”
She winced. “That would be truly terrible. How humiliating.”
He said nothing for a long moment while they worked. Quietly, he asked, “Can you think of anyone we have not yet considered?”
She worked at her bow, trying to get the loops the same size. “No, I can’t.”
A weighted pause. “Then the only other explanation is that some stranger entered the castle.”
She shivered. That thought frightened her more than the others.
While Holly grappled with the prospect, the vicar said what they were both thinking, “Either it was someone else we have not considered, or it was a ghost.”
A ghost.
That would explain why the sensation had been so…unearthly.

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