Monday, December 3, 2018

Christmas Countdown- The Spirit of Christmas by Lauraine Henderson

Lauraine Henderson lives with her husband, dog and cat on 68 acres of woodland 40 miles north of Portland, Oregon. After growing up in Oregon, they moved their family of three children to Utah. From there they moved to Hawaii and Arizona, finally coming back to Oregon in 2015. Their three children, two girls and a boy are all grown and live across the United States. 

After being a professional bookkeeper for over twenty years, she turned her hobby of writing into her first published novel in 2016. She loves to write inspirational romance and romantic comedy and hopes her readers will be both entertained and uplifted by her stories. When she’s not writing, she’s working her way through online university, loves to paint (watercolors, oils, and acrylics), sew, knit, crochet, make beaded jewelry, and read (of course!).

George Stone can’t wait for the Christmas season to be over and his employees, especially his executive assistant, Kathryn Gleason, focused once again on their work. When a missing report requires George to stop in at Kathryn’s parents’ home the day before Christmas Eve, he ends up as an unexpected guest. Between the haunting journals of his late grandfather and the unsettling dream of an unhappy future, George is swept away by the magic of Kathryn’s charm and her family’s love. 

Will the Spirit of Christmas show George the happiness he’s missing and will Kathryn’s warmth and beauty melt his cold heart?


Kathryn awkwardly squeezed past George to leave the room. The electricity between them was almost palpable and he would have bet money she felt it as much as he did. The buzz while she passed him emphasized the emptiness he felt at Kathryn’s departure and added to his emotional strain.
It wasn’t until he started undressing that he realized how out of place his shirt and slacks from work appeared. The elegant cut of his business wear shouted ‘stranger’ in the make-shift bedroom of the back pantry of an old farmhouse. And until this very moment, George would have agreed and embraced the ‘stranger’ label. Now he wasn’t so sure he liked it for himself.
Loosening his tie, he slid it off his neck and rested it on the end of the bed. Pulling his shirt tail out of his pants, he unbuttoned a few buttons and then unhooked the waistband of his slacks. He looked around for a hanger, but the cupboard in the wall held only shelves and he couldn’t see anywhere to hang his pants and shirt. 
“Oh!” Kathryn’s voice surprised George and he grabbed the wall to keep from falling over while his heart jumped around in his throat.
“I’m so sorry. I should have knocked. I didn’t know you would get ready so fast,” she said. The merry twinkling in her eyes as she looked him up and down in his disheveled state brought back that crimson rush.
“Did you want something?” George asked in his most boss-like manner.
Kathryn swallowed and her eyes burned into his. He hung his hands to his side, feeling exposed, even though he was still completely dressed. Had he said that wrong?
Kathryn recovered before George could answer himself. “I brought you these,” she said, holding out a pair of plaid pajama pants. “They belong to my brother-in-law so they should fit. I thought you might be more comfortable in case you had to get up in the night…or something.”

George couldn’t stop the smile as he watched Kathryn’s embarrassed face match his own for color. “Oh, uh, thank you.”

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Saturday, December 1, 2018

Blitz: Deception by Leah Moyes

 Leah Moyes happily lives in the sunny state of Arizona…year-round. She is the biological mother of four but claims many more. After a career in the airlines and teaching high school sciences, she has pursued her life-long dream to become an Archaeologist and currently works under the guidance and direction of amazing Archaeologists at Arizona State University. Between writing and archaeological digs, the world has become her playground.

Berlin Butterfly is her first Historical Fiction Series.

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Promises. Devotion. Deception. Betrayal.

It’s 1966 in East Berlin, Germany. The Wall is reinforced with cinder blocks, barbed wire, tank traps and second-generation guard towers to oversee what is known as the death strip. It’s function successfully claims a steady stream of victims longing for freedom and willing to risk everything to escape the destruction known as the Deutche Democratic Republic.
Ella Kühn now in her twenties, faithfully awaits the end of “spoiler alert” ‘s ten-year military sentence, yearning for the moment they will finally be together.
A mysterious disappearance, startling news from the West and surprising betrayal wrench Ella’s dedicated resolve in shocking directions. Her stubborn curiosity and devotion to those she loves pushes her to pursue answers in the face of doubt, danger and even death.

In Deception, book 2 of the “Berlin Butterfly” series, Ella’s search for light in an ever-growing darkness introduces her to new friends, perilous associations and deadly exploits. Will “spoiler alert” ’s love and the belief that he will return be enough to keep Ella on the East side of the wall? Or does heartache and treachery push her to join the family and a life of freedom she longs for?


I hesitated. Ella, you must be crazy. Crouching to my knees, my light flashed through but could not reach the end. Blackness strangled my tiny stream of light. What if someone is still here? I tried not to think of the consequences, driven with a curiosity to know what these people were up to. My suspicions were probable, yet I needed to know!
With the flashlight tightly between my teeth, I crawled on all four limbs underneath the boards. Surprisingly, I managed it easily with room to spare, not even touching what appeared to be fragile wooden slats. It was a good ten steps before another room appeared, filled with debris though not a cave-in as assumed. I stood upright. Concrete blocks and rubbish challenged another small entry but didn’t completely obstruct it. Maneuvering past and down that hall, a circular stairway came into view. Again, the blackness was impenetrable with my torch, yet my step to the first metal rung was without hesitation. My fingers clutched the railing as if I would plunge to my death. Each subsequent step, a chill nipped upward, and a slight breeze fanned my skirt as I descended. Emotion swelled my chest. What would I find? What lay ahead?
When my foot reached a dirt floor, I spun around to behold a few chairs, a table, and an unhinged door lying against the wall. Rubbing my cold arms, I stepped closer to the door. My fingers reached out and ran along the edges, but as I gripped it, they turned ice cold. I pulled the door carefully towards me as a frigid draft escaped. With a wider rift, a black corridor appeared, blocked by a small cart filled with dirt. My heart nearly stopped.
A tunnel!

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Friday, November 30, 2018

Book Tour for Karlie Lucas’ Bob the Dinosaur books

Tired of being the smallest dinosaur, Bob sets out on an adventure to change his appearance. After facing many obstacles, Bob decides that being small isn't as bad as he thought it was.

When the wizards steals all the color from Bob's home, the littlest dinosaur goes in search of the color fairies. But when they refuse to help simply because he's different, he has to find another way to restore the colors.

Karlie Lucas is a preschool teacher by day and a writer/artist by night.

A graduate of Southern Utah University, Karlie received a B.A. in Creative Writing, with a minor in art. She is a member of Sigma Tau Delta, The International English Honor Society, as well as ANWA, the American Night Writers Association.

Karlie is interested in all things magical and mysterious, especially elves and dragons. She is an avid fan of J.R.R. Tolkien and J.K. Rowling.

When not writing, Karlie can often be found drawing, baking, watching her favorite old school shows, or just spending time with her family.

She currently resides in Dallas, Texas with her husband and a cat named Kally

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Excerpt from the book!

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Monday, November 19, 2018

Blitz: Berlin Butterfly Ensnare by Leah Moyes

 Leah Moyes is from Arizona but experienced many parts of the world in thanks to a career in the airlines. Now most of her time, aside from writing, is spent with her family, reading Historical Fiction novels or studying ancient cultures as a student of Archaeology.

She always believed she was born in the wrong time period, but since she doesn’t have access to a time machine she must write and read intriguing stories of the past. 

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Stay or flee? Life or family? An impossible choice.

It's Aug 13, 1961, in Berlin Germany. Nationale Volksarmee soldiers roll barbed wire across the war-torn city to create the first Berlin Wall.
Families are separated, livelihoods destroyed, death comes easily as crippling fear paralyzes the occupants on both sides of the wall. Fifteen-year-old Ella is faced with an agonizing decision. Does she risk crossing the wall and possible death to reach her family? Or does she embrace her new life and blossoming love that could be wrenched from her at any moment? West Germany and possible freedom or East Germany and controlled chaos?

Ensnare, the first book in the “Berlin Butterfly” series, is a story of life, love, survival and the struggle of living through the dark early years of the Berlin Wall. Readers will be captivated with Ella’s strength, determination, and vulnerability as she opens her heart amidst a dangerous and terrifying journey."


Bam! Bam! Bam! The heavy pounding launched me flat to the floor. Face down, I realized I’d done exactly what I had meant not to do— fall asleep. I rubbed my eyes and attempted to comprehend what was happening. They were blurry and strained. I heard another loud thud splinter the door as someone busted through. I leapt to my feet the very moment I heard the crunch of glass under heavy boots. They came in like I imagine a herd of wild animals would, how many I did not know. I no longer had time to get to the kitchen window as planned.

Their inability to be discreet allowed enough coverage for my brazen dash to the bedroom closet. It was the only place I’d possibly have a chance to hide. I maneuvered to the far corner with only a few of Mama’s dresses for cover. I smashed against the wall as closely as possible and pulled a long trench coat in front to make it appear as if it was the last item on the rack. A pair of winter boots was pushed forward to hide my feet. My toes curled tightly in the confined space behind them.

The brutes did not seem to mind that their audacious duty came without restraint or consideration for anyone or anything. The sound of furniture upheaved, and dishes broken amplified with each passing second.

I was fully awake now, struggling to calm my surging breath. I cringed at the thought they would find my small collection of belongings near the back window. This included all the Mark I had, yet I knew right now the money was the least of my problems. If they found me, I could be arrested or face far worse consequences. I’d heard stories of young women found at the hands of crazed, irrational soldiers. I had risked everything by staying in the flat.

Someone entered the bedroom and proceeded to flip the bed. If he touched it, he would have felt the warmth my body heat left against the blanket. It didn’t sound as though he had. Another man entered, and they talked about possible hiding places for valuables. The harder I pressed against the inner wall, the more I lost feeling in my limbs. I prayed they would not come over to the closet. It was useless. I knew they would check even before I heard the footsteps turn my direction.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Book Tour: Time Twist by Jeannie R Davis

Arianna Miller tosses her luggage and her hopes into her Subaru and sets out to prove her talent—by decorating a Victorian mansion thirty miles from nowhere. She needs a fresh start and a break from painful memories. However, she is soon haunted by reminders of her past and endangered by foreboding mysteries.

Christopher Flemming is determined to stop his father's crime spree, which began in nineteenth century London and now threatens present day Colorado. He must find and destroy the time-traveling machine that brought them forward in time. More importantly, he needs to save Arianna.
Because of Christopher's blurred focus, Arianna finds her attraction to him untenable. She wants to help him, but he refuses to reveal his connection to the mansion.

Everything changes when Arianna stumbles onto the time machine before Christopher does. Will her future end up in the past?

   Jeanie Davis is an Arizona transplant—twenty-four years and counting. She loves peach ice cream, shopping, a clean house…oh, and chocolate, of course. She has traveled extensively—from Fiji to Africa and Europe to Costa Rica—but prefers being at home creating new adventures on her computer.

     Her four daughters have left her nest empty, but they return often with grandchildren who bring real fun and adventure to her life. And thankfully, Jeanie's awesome husband, Rick, loves to join in on all her escapades.

      A good romance will always capture Jeanie's attention; add suspense or historical ties and she's totally hooked. She's the author of a time-traveling adventure, Time Twist—the first of a romantic/suspense series with a twist of paranormal; an historical fiction novel, As Ever Yours, based on the lives of her grandparents, and a children's Christmas book, I Don't Know Why I Did It.

     Jeanie is passionate about writing, and she always has a new story to delve into or an older one to revise. She began by writing poetry and music, which she still enjoys, but now novels have moved to the forefront of her avocational pursuits.
     When she's not spoiling her grandchildren, Jeanie spends her free time curled up with a good book or typing away on her most recent mystery, adventure or romance.

Top Ten List

• The house on the cover of Time Twist is eerily like my own house. I
didn’t design the cover, my publisher in New York did.
• (Not such a fun fact, but it’s interesting). Because I have secondary
progressive MS, my doc said I’d be a vegetable by now. Should I send
him copies of my books?
• I have four daughters—all born in different states.
• I have nine awesome grandkids!
• My favorite Broadway play is Les Miserables
• I also write music and poetry
• Favorite treats: Utah mint truffles, homemade peach ice cream and
caramel apples
• I like my house to be clean—and will pay someone to make it so :)
• I’ve been to Niagara Falls five times—don’t ask
• I’m uncomfortable making lists about myself :)


Book Snippet
Ari reached for her cell phone. As she began dialing, her phone beeped at her.
No bars. …Another thought forced its way into her mind: I’m in a house in the
middle of nowhere, by myself—alone with no phone service.

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