Doug Simpson is a retired high school teacher who has turned his talents to writing. His first novel, a spiritual mystery titled Soul Awakening, was published in the United States in October of 2011, by Booklocker. It was reissued in October of 2012 by 5 Prince Publishing as Soul Awakening, Book I of the Dacque Chronicles. For further details visit them at It is available in print and eBook format through most bookstores around the world. Soul Rescue, Book II of the Dacque Chronicles was published in November of 2012, Soul Mind, Book III of the Dacque Chronicles was published in January of 2013, and Soul Connections, Book IV of the Dacque Chronicles was published in April of 2013. Doug’s first non-fiction book, titled The Soul of Jesus, was published by 5 Prince Publishing in February of 2014. His magazine and website articles have been published from 2010 to the present in Australia, Canada, France, India, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. His articles can be accessed through his website at
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She was abandoned by her father at age seven. The child care workers seized her at age fifteen when her mother ran afoul of the law. Her first two foster care placements were terminated after sexual harassment incidents. On a spur-of-the-moment whim, she and her foster care buddy hid in the back of an almost loaded moving van. Six hours later, still fifteen years old, she was a runaway, homeless street person in a city she never even knew the name of. Soup Kitchens and Downtown Missions became her new homes. She used the alias, Mary Smith so the authorities would be less likely to find out her real identity and return her back north where she hailed from. As the weather turned colder, she and her buddy hitchhiked further south. She never knew why but her buddy, her only real friend, then disappeared from her life. She was sixteen and alone. Her life consisted of surviving one day at a time. There was no use even thinking about a future, but then a miracle happened.
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quietly checked the back door. The squatter had not bothered to lock it. He
gently opened the door and paused,
waiting for a reaction. The dormant figure did not move. Dacque turned on the
flashlight but pointed it down by his feet. Reaching inside, he grabbed a hold
of the well-worn running shoe on the top foot of the stacked pair and jiggled
it back and forth. The squatter rolled over on its back but did not open its
eyes. By the shape of her figure, Dacque was now certain that it indeed was the
teenage girl spoken of in his dream. He shook the other foot this time. The
young lady opened her eyes, sat up suddenly and glared at him for a second or
two before swiftly turning towards the exit door behind her"
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