overblown ego doesn't take well to being shunned, and he resolves to make Sadie
his own. He pursues her relentlessly, until finally Kyle finds himself shut out
of Sadie's life, with their shared future crumbling around him.
After two years,
Sadie’s relationship with Lincoln ends, and she is left having to put the
pieces of her life back together. She desires nothing more than to recapture
her relationship with Kyle. He has stayed true to the dreams they had planned
together, living the vision even without Sadie by his side.
When she moves
back to her hometown, she labors to rekindle their love. But things have
changed, and Kyle has moved on. Sadie quickly discovers how hard it is to
rebuild burned bridges.
Follow Sadie’s
story as she fights for a chance to restore broken dreams. Will love endure?
inspirational romance by E. C. Jackson is book two of the Hope series and is a
standalone book.

Connect with the Author here:
Leanne coughed into her hand. “Sadie, may I speak to
you in private for a moment?” She smiled at the others. “Yesterday, I missed an
opportunity to talk with your leader.”
Sadie nodded, and then said, yes, following behind
her. But instead of stopping a few feet away as she’d expected, Leanne
continued walking until they reached the hallway to the fellowship hall.
Staring out the window, she gestured outside.
“The grounds look fabulous, Sadie. Your hard work paid
off. I see that Kyle approved the work after all.”
Sadie squinted at her. “Thank you. It was a labor of
love. We all enjoyed it.”
“I’m about to
leave for the airport, but I’ll get to know you better on my next visit.”
Leanne grinned mischievously. “I’m curious about your motives, Sadie. Your
decorations mesmerized Kyle on Friday. Either you are a very clever lady or
extremely guileless.”
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